Jumaat, 9 Julai 2010

DiseQ Swicth

DiSEqC Switch 8x1 9SAT(More Brand)
Price :RM150 Free Post
Brand:. 9SAT.
Model:. 9S-81D.
Code:DiseQ 8x1
To cut between eight satellite dishes (8 LNB) receiver machine using one
Note:. - compatible with receivers that support functions. DiSEqC 1.1. only such. WINSAT FTA-168., Dynasat PVR, DreamBox, SAMART DTH / COSHIP, MAXPLUS etc..
- Air support a common function DiSEqC. 1.0 will not apply to this product.
Specifications / Special Features:.
DiSEqC 1.1 supports bidirectional DiSEqC full control functions.
Allows remote units to report their possible and actual configuration.
8-satellite input selected by DiSEqC 1.1 commands.
Supports DiSEqC standby commands.
1-output for receiver with DiSEqC commands function.
Frequency range: 950 to 2,400 MHz.
Insertion loss: 3dB.
Reverse isolation: 20dB.
Return loss: 8dB.
DC power loss: 30mA.
Power passing: 500mA maximum.
Impedance: 75Ω all ports.
Connector: f-type female

DiSEq C Switch 4x1 9SAT(More Brand)
Price.RM80 Free Post
Brand:. 9SAT.
Model:. 9S-41D.
Code:DiseQ 4x1
To cut a switch between four satellite dishes (4 LNB) with a single receiver.
Frequency Range: 950-2400 MHz.
Insertion loss: 3 dB.
Isolation Ports:> 25 dB.
Power Passing: 500 mA.

DiSEq C 9SAT 4x1 Switch (Waterproof).
Free Price.RM80 Free Post
Brand:. 9SAT.
Model. 9S-41W.
Switch to external Waterproof plastic well cover. The cut between four satellite dishes (4 LNB) with a single receiver.
Warranty 1 year
*** Case loss guarantee. Change Immediately***

DiSEq C Switch 4x1 Chun IDEA(More Brand)
Price. RM50 Free pos
Brand:. Chun IDEA.
Model. 41C-IC.
Code:DiseQ 4x1
to cut between four satellite dishes (4 LNB) receiver using a single machine.
DiSEq C Switch 4x1 psi.
Price. RM60 Free Pos
Brand:. PSI.
Code:DiseQ 4x1 PSI
to cut between four satellite dishes (4 LNB) receiver using a single in Marchine
DiSEq C Switch 4x1 DBY.
Brand:. DBY Sattel
RM50.00 Free Pos
Model. NS, in 2004.
Code:DiseQ 4x1 Sattel
to cut between four satellite dishes (4 LNB) receiver using a single machine.
Frequency Range: 950-2400 MHz.

Recaiver Digital Logo
(Digital Satellite Equipment Control)

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