Isnin, 9 Januari 2012

S Band

LNB S Band ( 2-4 Ghz ) sesuai untuk Offset Dish 90CM

LNB S Band
Price: RM2XX.OO Tidak Termasuk Packing +Post
Stok Tersedia Ada

3 ulasan:

Muhd Saiful berkata...

saya nak tanya apa kalau guna lnb indovision ni kat Piring Astro gmbar dia clear x?? apa lnb yang boleh tengok semua siaran live Indonesia?? kalau parabola apa boleh di pasangkah di Malaysia ni mcm saya dok Perlis signal nak tengok channel Indon clear ke tak???

bukan KERA SAKTI berkata...

lnb c ban pak cik, free lebih dari 30 stesyen indo.. salam dari indo


zack berkata...

boleh x bg info siaran ape yang dapat.. siaran malaysia leh dapat x? astro? please email (

Welcome to my blog, sales of communications equipment "for those interested only. Sale on request, all items will not be stored in large lots. Because the law of customs, communications malaysia. Please pay before the goods will be handled within 3-7 days depending on conditions.
This blog is not only selling satellite equipment, but to help friends who are interested in satellite and communication open.The Customs authorities, who are interested MCMC Please not required for preventive operations.People are free to open communication that benefits both poor benefit best throw.